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Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage–Challenges and Opportunities for Materials Scientists

发布时间:2019-04-11    作者:Professor San Ping Jiang    来源:冶金馆301     浏览次数:

TitleElectrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage

–Challenges and Opportunities for Materials Scientists

Reporter Professor San Ping Jiang




Electricity is the most convenient form of energy today. For the past one hundred years, electricity is primarily produced by combustion of fossil fuels which has an intrinsically low conversion efficiency and emits carbon dioxide and other air pollutants. With increasing energy demand, depleting fossil fuel reserves, and growing concern about the climate and environment, there is an urgent need to increase electricity generation efficiency and to harvest renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Consequently, clean energy technologies play the most important role in the sustainable utilization of renewable energy sources, and are becoming the most critical elements in overcoming fossil fuel exhaustion and global pollution. Among clean energy technologies, electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies are considered the most feasible, environmentally friendly and sustainable. However, both the materials and technologies are still challengeable in terms of the performance, cost and applications of these technologies. In this seminar, I will discuss selected important areas of electrochemical energy storage and conversion technologies such as  batteries, fuel cells, hydrogen generation and storage, as well as their associated the latest material and new technology development. The aspects such as electrochemical processes, materials, components, assembly and manufacturing, and degradation mechanisms present both challenges and opportunities for materials scientists and engineers.

  报告人简介:蒋三平教授,1981年毕业于华南理工大学材料科学与工程专业,于1987年获伦敦城市大学电化学专业博士学位。1988-1991年在英国艾塞克斯大学做博士后研究。1991-2001年为澳大利亚英联邦科技工业研究中心高级研究员,1992-1997, 参与澳大利亚燃料电池公司的组建与开发工作。2001年为南洋理工大学机械与航空最大博彩平台 副教授。2010年为澳大利亚科廷大学化学工程系终身教授,科廷大学燃料与能源技术研究院副院201611月被科廷大学授予约翰科廷杰出教授和终身成就奖以奖励蒋三平教授在能源领域与环境研究所做出的杰出贡献。2016年全球高校能源科学与工程学科最具影响力的高被引的学者,2018年度科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)跨学科领域(cross-field category)高被引科学家。已在高水平学术期刊上发表了近400篇文章,文章总被引用率约19,000次,h-因子71.
