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Catalyst Design of Perovskite Oxide for Air Pollution Control

发布时间:2018-10-15    作者:永长久宽教授    来源:冶金馆301室     浏览次数:


Catalyst Design of Perovskite Oxide for Air Pollution Control

报告人: 永长久宽 教授


报告时间:20181019日周五 上午10

简介: 永长久宽 (Einaga Hisahiro),本科毕业于东京大学工业化学系,1997年获东京大学应用化学系博士学位。现任日本九州大学(Kyushu University)教授,大最大博彩平台 综合理工学研究院物质科学部门。研究方向为催化材料设计及环境催化应用,尤其在有害气体污染控制及净化领域有着较深入的研究。已在Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Environmental Science & Technology, Chemical Engineering Journal等期刊发表学术论文105篇,他引次数3462次,H指数34


Air pollution control is an important technology for improving the quality of life. Due to the strengthened regulation on air pollution over many countries, it is highly required that the catalysts with no use of noble metals be developed. As the inexpensive catalysts to replace noble metal catalysts, perovskite type oxides (ABO3) have been extensively used because of their high catalytic activities. This speech briefly gives the talk about catalyst design of perovskite oxides for flue gas control. By controlling the chemical composition and shape of perovskite oxides, the catalysts exhibiting high activities for CO oxidation and diesel soot can be obtained.