发布时间:2023-10-13 作者:束文圣 教授 来源:金贵楼420会议室 浏览次数:
1997-2017年,束文圣教授先后担任中山大学副院长、常务副院长等职务。2017年7月,他作为杰出人才引进到华南师范大学生命科学最大博彩平台 ,先后主持国家基金重点项目(四项,含联合基金)、国家863计划项目、农业部转基因生物新品种培育重大专项项目等30余项国家及省部级重要科研项目,在Nature Reviews Microbiology、Trends in Microbiology、ISME Journal、Ecology Letters、Microbiome等杂志发表SCI论文170余篇,他引12000余次,H-index=64(Google Scholar),是Elsevier中国高被引学者。
Introduction to the Reporter:
Shu Wensheng, professor of South China Normal University, founder and chairman of Meggene, leading talent of the National Ten Thousand Talents Plan, new century outstanding talent of the Ministry of Education, and distinguished professor of the Pearl River scholars.
From 1997 to 2017, he successively held positions such as Vice Dean and Executive Vice Dean of Sun Yat sen University. His research areas are traditional microbiology and ecology. In July 2017, he was introduced as an outstanding talent to the School of Life Sciences at South China Normal University. He has successively led more than 30 national and provincial level important scientific research projects, including four key national fund projects (including joint funds), the National 863 Program project, and the Ministry of Agriculture's major special project for the cultivation of genetically modified biological new varieties.
He has published more than 170 SCI papers in journals such as Nature Reviews Microbiology, Trends in Microbiology, ISME Journal, Ecology Letters, and Microbiome, with more than 12000 citations and H-index=64 (Google School), He is a highly cited scholar from Elsevier China.