
Chemical Metallurgy

Institute of Metallurgy Physico-chemistry and Advanced Chemical Materials, as one of the main institutes of School of Metallurgy and Environment in CSU, conducts research on fundamental theory and process for metallurgy. The Institute has 16 academic staff including 10 professors, 5 associate professors and 1 laboratory administrator. The director is now Professor Xichang Shi.

After years of development, the institute is recognized as one of the top education and research institutes in metallurgy physico-chemistry in China. The institute presently focused on research targeted in 4 directions: fundamental theory for metallurgical process, clean metallurgy, devices & materials for new energy and electrochemical engineering.

Our program of teaching offered for undergraduate and graduate students spans the breadth of metallurgy, including fundamental and professional courses. There are about 20 graduate students awarded master's or PhD degrees each year. More than 20 research and development projects, including 973, 863, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, etc, have been conducted in this institute. The Institute was rewarded by numerous provincial and national awards.

The text books written by the academic staff of the institute include “Physical Chemistry of Pyrometallurgy”, “Introduction to Thermodynamics for Metallurgy”, “Physical Chemistry”, “Electrochemistry for Metallurgy”, “Kinetics for Metallurgy”, “Physical Chemistry for Stibium Metallugy”, “Electrochemical Methods for Metallurgy”, “Theoretical Electrochemistry”, “Modern Electrochemistry”, “Lithium Ion Battery”, “ Chemical Power Sources”, etc.


1959   Institute of Metallurgy Physico-chemistry and Advanced Chemical Materials was founded by Professor Xinming Chen, a former member of Chinese Academy of Sciences and former Dean of Central South Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. This is also one of the earliest disciplines of Metallurgy Physico-chemistry in China.

1960   began to enroll graduate students.

1981   obtained the approval of awarding PhD degree from the Education Ministry of China.

1994   founded Post-doctoral research center.

1998   as a first level discipline, obtained the approval of awarding PhD degree from the Education Ministry of China.

2000   certificated as a key discipline of Hunan Province.